Center By-Laws express the purpose of the Center, incorporated March 11, 1965, as the Appalachian Community Health Center, Inc.
Section II Purposes: To establish, operate and/or own a Comprehensive Community Health Center for the benefit of the public provided, however, that no profits or dividends shall be distributed to its promoters, incorporators, members, donors contributors, or any other person whom so ever, but all earnings and profits shall be devoted to the accomplishment of the objects and purposes of the corporation, it being the intent of the incorporators, however, that the Board of Directors of said corporation may furnish to all proper persons who, in their judgment, are unable to pay, therefore, whatever mental health service they may require without charge, but shall charge to persons able to pay who may receive the benefit of its service what said directors shall deem to be reasonable compensation for diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitative, and other services and supplies.
To provide mental health services to all residents of participating counties (now 4) without discrimination as to race, creed, color, sex, handicap, or ethnic origin, such services to include impatient services, outpatient services, partial care, community services, diagnostic services, rehabilitation services, precare, aftercare services, along with related training, research and evaluation activities.
To receive gifts of money and property...for the purpose aforesaid.
The Center is directed by the Board of Directors which consists of 13 members, eight of whom represent Barbour, Tucker and Upshur Counties and five of whom are appointed as successors to original incorporators by majority vote of the Executive committee.
The mission of a comprehensive behavioral health program may be stated in three dimensions: (1) to promote behavioral health and develop preventive programs for populations at risk, (2) to serve various disability groups through assessments, treatment and rehabilitation programs, and (3) to foster integration with other services through service coordination services.